Home2025January (Page 31)

THE SECURITIES and Exchange Commission (SEC) is set to release guidelines that would expand fundraising and investment opportunities in Philippine capital markets, it said in a statement on Wednesday.“The SEC is preparing new guidelines that will expand fundraising and investment opportunities in the Philippine capital

PHILIPPINE STAR/MIGUEL DE GUZMANTHE LIGHT Rail Transit Authority (LRTA), which operates Light Rail Transit Line-2 (LRT-2), posted P1.17 billion in revenue in January to November 2024, surpassing 2023 sales.The amount was 7.33% higher than a year earlier, according to data posted on its website. Passenger

MARISSA GROOTES-UNSPLASHONLY OLD-FASHIONED (aka “analog”) people still keep desk diaries with two pages in one week for noting appointments and other transactions like purchase of stocks. So what if it’s lately been mostly blank since the cellphone notes all the appointments and reminders, with alarms.