Home2024 (Page 45)

INFRASTRUCTURE SPENDING jumped in April amid the continued implementation of projects. — PHILIPPINE STAR/MIGUEL DE GUZMANINFRASTRUCTURE SPENDING jumped in April amid the continued implementation of projects, the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) reported.Infrastructure and other capital outlays rose by 36.2% to P118.9 billion in

PHILIPPINE STAR/WALTER BOLLOZOSBy Justine Irish D. Tabile, Reporter THE PHILIPPINE PORTS Authority (PPA) will be increasing cargo handling fees by 16% at the Manila ports by August, the Philippine Exporters Confederation, Inc. (Philexport) said in a bulletin.According to Philexport, the increase was confirmed by PPA

Moody’s Analytics said the Philippines’ gross domestic product (GDP) growth is expected to average 5.9% this year. — PHILIPPINE STAR/MIGUEL DE GUZMANTHE PHILIPPINES is expected to be the second-fastest growing economy in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region this year, although expansion is “below potential,” Moody’s Analytics

UNSPLASHTWO units of the SN Aboitiz Power Group (SNAP) have signed a deal with the Regional Development Council of the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) to implement energy-funded projects.SNAP-Benguet and SNAP-Magat signed a memorandum of agreement with the council for projects under the Energy department’s Energy

PHILIPPINE STAR/ RYAN BALDEMORThe Philippines has too much politics, which impedes economic growth because our leaders engage in “politicking,” whether they be lawmakers in congress or local government officials, instead of solving the country’s problems. In contrast, countries that are better off than us have

THE WATSONS Greener Store uses sustainable materials and fixtures, and utilizes energy-efficient lighting and appliances.WATSONS is turning a new leaf with the opening of its first greener store, located in San Pedro, Laguna.The wellness and beauty chain invited guests to a tour of the store

GENEVIEVE PERRON-MIGNERON-UNSPLASHThe title of this piece is bland. The reader might even get the impression that the column will be an instance of moralizing. If so, it would be moralizing against morality as the overarching framework to find the appropriate solutions to the world’s (or