Home2024 (Page 37)

BRUCE WARRINGTON-UNSPLASHTHE Department of Agriculture (DA) said it is seeking to streamline the permit process for aquaculture and livestock projects as a means of attracting more private-sector investment.Agriculture Undersecretary for Policy, Planning and Regulations Asis G. Perez told reporters that one of the possible outcomes of the

PHILIPPINE STAR/KRIZ JOHN ROSALESSHARES closed higher on Tuesday as foreigners turned net buyers after nine straight sessions of selling before the Philippine central bank’s policy meeting and amid extended bargain-hunting and window-dressing activities.The bellwether Philippine Stock Exchange index (PSEi) rose by 0.42% or 26.59 points

PHILSTARTHE HOUSE human rights committee on Tuesday invited ex-Philippine President Rodrigo R. Duterte to its hearing investigating human rights violations in his deadly drug war.Also invited to the hearing were Senator Ronald “Bato” M. dela Rosa, Mr. Duterte’s police chief, and former Senator Leila M.