Home2024 (Page 118)

Inflation rose for a fourth straight month in May, the statistics agency said on Wednesday. — PHILIPPINE STAR/RYAN BALDEMORBy Luisa Maria Jacinta C. Jocson, ReporterINFLATION ACCELERATED to a six-month high in May, driven by the faster rise in utility and transport costs, the Philippine Statistics

The Philippine economy is expected to grow by 6-7% this year. — PHILIPPINE STAR/MIGUEL DE GUZMANTHE PHILIPPINE ECONOMY is expected to grow above 6% in the second quarter amid base effects and improved government spending, HSBC Global Research said on Wednesday.“For the second quarter, [the

Workers arrange sacks of National Food Authority (NFA) rice in Balagtas, Bulacan. — PHILIPPINE STAR/MIGUEL DE GUZMANBy Kyle Aristophere T. Atienza, ReporterTRADE PROTECTION is needed if the government is serious in rescuing its agriculture and manufacturing sectors, experts said after the Philippines announced a new