HomeIndices AnalysisDarzi Review Receives Feedback from Patients Association

Darzi Review Receives Feedback from Patients Association

London, 12th September 2024: The Patients Association has welcomed the release of Lord Darzi’s diagnosis report on the state of the NHS. The report, which states that the service is in a critical condition, has been commended for its honesty and transparency. The Association has called for urgent and comprehensive action to be taken in response to the report’s findings.

In July 2024, the Patients Association conducted a survey of 1,210 respondents, which corroborated many of the issues highlighted in Lord Darzi’s report. The survey further emphasized the need for patient-centred changes to be made. The survey revealed that only 30% of respondents had not struggled to access GP appointments in the past six months, and 13% reported no difficulties accessing NHS services. Additionally, less than a quarter of those in need of care in the last six months were unable to access the services they required. Only 41% of respondents felt that their care was well coordinated, and less than half were kept adequately informed about their care.

Commenting on the report, Rachel Power, Chief Executive of the Patients Association, stated, “Lord Darzi’s conclusion that the NHS is in a critical condition is deeply concerning but, sadly, not surprising given the experiences of many patients across the country. This diagnosis report provides a stark and necessary assessment of the challenges facing our NHS. We welcome this honest appraisal and the development of a long-term plan to address these critical issues. We now must stop normalising the abnormal.”

The Patients Association has outlined several key steps that must be taken in order to reverse the critical condition of the NHS, including acknowledging the urgency of the situation, actively involving patients and patient organisations in the planning process, and using patient feedback and experiences as key metrics for measuring the success of the plan. The Association has also called for improvements in key areas such as access to GP appointments, better access to diagnostics, reduced waiting times, and better coordination of care. Addressing health inequalities and improving access for all communities is also a top priority for the Association.

The Association has stressed the importance of regularly reviewing the plan and seeking patient input in order to refine and improve it. The report has been seen as a clear and urgent call for change, and the Association is ready to work closely with the NHS and government to ensure that patient needs are at the forefront of any long-term plan. The Association has emphasized the need for bold, patient-centred changes to be made in order to effectively address the critical issues highlighted by Lord Darzi’s report.


Notes for editors

About the Patients Association

The Patients Association is an independent patient charity that campaigns for improvements in health and social care for patients. The Association believes that patients should be actively involved in decisions made about their care and the design of the health and care system. As an independent charity, the Association advocates for improvements in health and social care through its helpline and information services, providing thousands of people each year with information about the health and social care system and empowering them to advocate for themselves.

For more information, please contact: media@patients-association.org.uk

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