Home2024June (Page 29)

Leveraging digital tools for efficient business management can change companies’ operations, driving growth and enhancing productivity. The digital age offers countless opportunities for businesses to streamline their operations, from enhancing customer experiences to improving internal processes. Technology in business management is now optional but critical to

INFRASTRUCTURE SPENDING jumped in April amid the continued implementation of projects. — PHILIPPINE STAR/MIGUEL DE GUZMANINFRASTRUCTURE SPENDING jumped in April amid the continued implementation of projects, the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) reported.Infrastructure and other capital outlays rose by 36.2% to P118.9 billion in

PHILIPPINE STAR/WALTER BOLLOZOSBy Justine Irish D. Tabile, Reporter THE PHILIPPINE PORTS Authority (PPA) will be increasing cargo handling fees by 16% at the Manila ports by August, the Philippine Exporters Confederation, Inc. (Philexport) said in a bulletin.According to Philexport, the increase was confirmed by PPA

Moody’s Analytics said the Philippines’ gross domestic product (GDP) growth is expected to average 5.9% this year. — PHILIPPINE STAR/MIGUEL DE GUZMANTHE PHILIPPINES is expected to be the second-fastest growing economy in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region this year, although expansion is “below potential,” Moody’s Analytics