Home2024June (Page 16)

POGO, POGO and more POGO stories seem to be flooding everyone’s news feeds. As the troubled industry generates news that ranges from controversial at best to illegal at worst, it would be good to know more about POGOs and how they affect us. The short

PHILSTARTHE PRESIDENTIAL palace has issued a proclamation reserving a slum area in the district of Tondo, Manila for development under the government’s housing program.The June 21 proclamation reserved a portion of land in Tondo, Manila identified as Lot 4-A, Csd-00-003715, for the Department of Human

MAX KLEINEN-UNSPLASHCOTABATO CITY — Moro gunmen on Tuesday fired assault rifles at a village hall in Bialong, Shariff Aguak in Maguindanao del Sur and stopped a convoy of local officials out to deliver relief supplies to villagers.A group led by a commander from the 118th