HomeIndices AnalysisCar Industry Bands Together for Global Car Recycling Day

Car Industry Bands Together for Global Car Recycling Day

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Organisations worldwide aim for a circular economy for 1.4 billion vehicles

With over 1.4 billion cars on the roads worldwide, vehicle manufacturers are striving to make new cars more sustainable and environmentally friendly. However, effective vehicle recycling is essential to create sustainable circular economies within the industry and to protect our environment now.

The second annual Global Car Recycling Day is set for 20th June 2024. While there is no physical rally, it aligns with the International Automotive Recycling Conference in Brussels, which supports the initiative. Raising awareness about the importance of responsible vehicle recycling has never been more urgent.

This statement is issued to demonstrate the united commitment and urgency of each participating organisation to sustain the world’s most popular form of transport through sustainable car production while protecting our environment.

We – BMRA, BVSF, CarTakeBack, Copart, Clearway, Ecobat, Renault Group, The Green Parts Specialist, and VRA – are urging the public and the global car industry to support this campaign.

Our joint statement declares: “Our organisations are all involved in different stages of a car’s life – from conception to end-of-life vehicle recycling – and have very different operations and priorities. But we are all aligned in our belief that the future of the entire car industry can only be successful and sustainable, with effective and responsible car recycling taking place across the globe.

“Outside of the countries that have strict environmental regulations, at the end of a vehicle’s life, the right choices are not always clear or indeed available to the public.

“It’s going to take everyone, from public demand, car industry innovation and investment, to support from governments, to drive the improvement of car recycling regulations.

“We are supporting Global Car Recycling Day, hoping to spread awareness, so the public makes, and has the option to make, an environmentally responsible choice when their vehicle gets to the end of its life, wherever they are in the world.”

The Global Car Recycling Day initiative points out that while domestic recycling is second nature in most economically developed countries, many members of the public are still unaware that cars can be effectively recycled. There are also nations where, for various reasons, there is either insufficient infrastructure or a lack of regulations to ensure car recycling is performed safely and effectively.

Every organisation here is eager to raise awareness through Global Car Recycling Day and to collaborate with individuals, organisations, and authorities worldwide to maximise its impact.

Use #GlobalCarRecyclingDay on 20th June to share the campaign, show your support, and start the conversation.

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