HomeForex35% of Filipinos engaged at work

35% of Filipinos engaged at work


MORE Filipino workers are engaged at work compared with their Southeast Asian neighbors, with 35.13% of Filipinos reporting engagement versus the regional average of 26%, according to a study by Gallup.

Based on a three-year rolling average, employee engagement in the Philippines has increased by 5% in recent years, it said. The Philippines was well above the global average of 23% this year.

Employee engagement reflects the involvement and enthusiasm of employees in their work and workplace, according to Gallup.

It added that engaged teams contribute to positive outcomes in organizations.

Gallup said 55.7% of Filipino workers said they were not engaged, or they were “psychologically unattached to their work and company.”

They are only putting time, but not energy or passion into their work, Gallup added.

Low engagement costs the global economy $8.9 trillion or 9% of the global gross domestic product. — Chloe Mari A. Hufana

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